West Yorkshire Cross Country League – Entries close for 1st race on 30th September.

Race 1:Sun 8th Oct@ Nunroyd Park, Race 2: Sun 29th Oct @ Thornes Pk, Wakefield ( YKH Club Run) Race 3: Sat 18th Nov @ South Leeds Race 4: Sun 10th Dec @ Oulton S.C., Rothwell Enter here: https://www.race-results.co.uk/onlineentries/user/login.php Entry is £30 for all four races, the club will re-imburse you for this amount if you  run for YKH in at least 3 of the league races. Cross Country training: Ahead of the league, training sessions for cross country will be starting on … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – Cross Keys Relay, PB in Belfast, Frazzler, Malton, Wetherby …

Please send race reports,  photos & results to :  ykhracereports@gmail.com ---Belfast Half Marathon. 120th Glynn Ellwood 1:21:40 739th Mel Ellwood 1:38:56  ( PB ) ---Cross Keys Fell Relay (Saddleworth). The event was originally a relay of two road and two off-road fell legs.  However at very short notice it became all fell , so those with no fell experience who signed up to do the road legs got an unexpected introduction to the joys of fell racing. We fielded two teams, one … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up -w.e 10th Sept’- Great North Run, Vale of York , Castleton…

Please send race reports,  photos & results to :  ykhracereports@gmail.com Very hot racing conditions this week. ---Great North Run. 430th Matthew Lunn 1:25:30 1027th Steven Bell 1:32:14 2266th James Chambers 1:40:03 3540th Francesca Sawer 1:45:09 4977th Jason Campbell 1:49:25  ( 2 1/2 minutes quicker than last year) 5005th Luke Richardson 1:49:30 6205 Atul Shahane 1:52:31 PB 6591st Lee Stephens 1:53:30 7486th John Gray 1:55:24 7923rd Uwin Waidyaratne 1:56:18 7953rd … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – Epic Wins at Ben Nevis & Tholthorpe 10k…

Please send race reports,  photos & results to :  ykhracereports@gmail.com ---Ben Nevis Race. 1st Lady/39th Rose Mather 1:59:52 (to the summit 1:15:14/26th) 96th Peter Walker 2:14:56 (to the summit 1:27:07 / 103rd) 205th Tom Ratcliffe 2:35:12 (to the summit 1:29:57 / 134th) 220th Giles Hawking 2:37:14 (to the summit 1:36:57 / 197th) 360th Barry Atkinson 3:08:56 (to the summit 1:53:10 / 340th)  Full Results A fantastic run by Rose Mather at one of the most famous and … [Read more...]