Racing Round Up – w.e 2nd April – Road Relays and much more……

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---North of England Women's 6 & Men's 12 Stage Road Relay Championships - Redcar. An excellent day out, despite Redcar being rather cold and grey. Knavesmire had the biggest team representation on the day,  3 ladies and almost two complete men's teams, 41 runners in all. There were some stellar performances , and we now have the opportunity to send a male and female team to the National … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – w.e 26th March – Sheffield Half, Coniston 14 & more,,,

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Sheffield Half Marathon. POS. NAME GENDER CAT. GUN TIME CHIP TIME GENDER POS. CAT. POS. CHIP POS. 19 David Morrison male MS 01:17:16 01:17:16 18 17 19 319 Ewan Cochrane male M40 01:33:36 01:33:11 295 59 359 875 John Gray male M50 01:43:50 01:41:46 774 79 891 2409 David … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – w.e 19th March – Wakefield 10k, Jerusalem Marathon & Billsdale Fell Race.

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Jerusalem Marathon. David Darton and Colin Lea completed the tough 2023 Jerusalem Marathon with 2200 feet of climbs in hot conditions. Their times were 4hrs 36m 45s and 5hrs 34m 42s respectively. Completing their 109th marathon in their 55th marathon country felt good despite the steep climbs and sunburn! ---Wakefield 10k. Eight Harriers took part in this not as flat a s advertised 10k. Tom … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up w.e 12th March – Inter County XC’s, Yorkshire Vet’s XC Champs, Thirsk 10 & more,,

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---The British Athletics Inter Counties Cross Country Championships. Report by Becky Penty The Inter Counties Cross Country Championships, first run in 1926, returned to Prestwold Hall, Loughborough this year. The event which includes athletes representing 46 Counties, Regions and Districts throughout the UK included, for the first time in Knavesmire history, three representatives from the club, running for … [Read more...]