Fell Running Year

Year Review  by Tom Ratcliffe. It's been a really good year for fell running in the club and great to see the return of the sport. Fairfield Horseshoe was one of the first mass start races in the fell running calendar last May and we had a good turnout for this classic lakes race with Christian Garvey leading the Knavesmire contingent home. We had some really solid performances at the National Fell Relays last October in the Howgills – with the men’s team placing 67th out of over 200 … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up w.e 27th March – Road Relays, Coniston, Sheffield, 5k Series, Rome , parkruns..

Please send race reports / results to :  ykhracereports@gmail.com ---Northern 6 Stage Road Relays - Birkenhead. Report by Ladies Captain Clare Rowntree. A team day out in Birkenhead This is what being in a running club is about. The ladies represented the club at the northern road race relays at Birkenhead competing against the biggest and best clubs in the north to finish in 23rd position. Other than Hazel (who has seen a great improvement in her running after coming … [Read more...]

Club Championship Races 2022

If you have any questions please contact one of the club captains whose details can be found here. Lots of members run in these races, making them good social events as well as exciting races. Scoring rules for club championships can be found below the race calendar. Exact dates will be provided as they become known. After each race we calculate the points for each member and you can view how everyone is doing in the standings section below. Below are a list of upcoming Club … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up w.e 20th March – Spring 10k, Harewood, Billsdale, Wakefield, Limassol & parkruns.

Please send race reports / results to :  ykhracereports@gmail.com ---York Spring 10k - See York Run. -Friday 18th March. Place Name Gender Age Laps Chip Time Gun Time 7. Stephen Robson M V40 10 0:41:57 0:41:59 14. Dan Taylor M V40 10 0:44:53 0:44:59 15. Andrew Barker M V35 10 0:45:09 0:45:12 16. Elliot … [Read more...]