Racing Round up-w.e 13th Dec-Ladies Champions of W York’s Cross Country League

---West Yorkshire Cross Country League - Race #4 Oulton. -Senior Ladies. The Knavesmire team claimed the title of League Champions in emphatic style . With our first 4 to count all in the top six we had our  third  team victory in the series of 4 races. The Ladies ran 1 small and 2 large laps for a distance of just over 5km, the weather was fine verging on warm but the course was muddier than we have been used to in parts making for more of a challenge. -Race 4 Results: 2nd … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up w.e 5th Dec – Steven Bell 1st at Christmas Cracker Half & Ladies first team at Eskdale Eureka.

---Christmas Cracker Half Marathon - It's Grim Up North Races. Well done to Steven taking a victory in only his second race in the YKH vest. The race was run along the muddy towpaths of the Leeds Canal. 1st Steven Bell 1:33:09 ---Valencia Marathon. 2951st Richard Walker 3:13:43 ( 3:12:27 ) ---Eskdale Eureka Fell Race. Knavesmire Ladies won their team prize competition and Nik Tarrega was second placed Lady. Pete Walker had a great race finishing 6th overall. The … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – w.e 28th Nov – Doncaster 10k, Clowne Half & Parkruns.

---Clowne Half Marathon. 371st Vivianne Fraser 02:02:17 ---Doncaster 10k. Two well earned PB's for Adrian and Patrick. 28th David Smithers    34:33  3rd M45-49 75th Adrian Stipetic      36:32 PB 97th Patrick Good         36:54  PB 1267th Jackie Mitchell 58:53 ---British Athletics Cross Challenge, Sefton Park, Liverpool 2021. 60th Becky Penty 29:28 51 members of YKH took part in the following parkruns : ---York … [Read more...]

YKH Racing Round Up – w.e 21st Nov – Wakefield XC, Tad’ 10 & more…

---West Yorkshire Cross Country League , Race #3 - Thornes Park, Wakefield. -Ladies. A number of the squad were missing for this race , however those present did a sterling job and the team ( first 4 to count ) were 2nd to winners Holmfirth. The Ladies ran 1 small and 2 large laps totalling 3.4 miles. 3rd Josie Rawes 20:47 9th Nik Tarrega 21:31 13th Megan Anderson 22:06 36th Lucy Pinder 24:04 38th Aoife Burke  24:11 44th Clare Rowntree 24:43 53rd Becky Sizer 26:07 58th Hannah … [Read more...]