Racing Round Up w.e 11th Feb – Windy Hill / Hardmoors Marathon & more…

---Windy Hill Fell Race. A tough 9 mile Fell Race from Littleborough near Rochdale taking in a Roman Road , Blackstone Edge ,the Pennine Way and  four crossings of the M62 (under/over/over/under). The weather was not particularly pleasant , at the race's highest points  runners were assaulted with ferocious blasts of icy rain  . 203 participants. ---Hardmoors Saltburn Marathon. James Ollerenshaw slogged  around into 52nd position (out of 130) in the Hardmoors Saltburn … [Read more...]

Round Up w.e 4th Feb – Muddy Boots/ Dewsbury 10k / Wadsworth trog/ Rombalds

PLEASE ENTER RACES AS ' York Knavesmire Harriers ' ---Muddy Boots 10k .  ( YKH Club Run ) .                          Results Knavesmire's Ladies were the leading  women's team and in age groups Toby Hone 3rd Senior Male, Neil Everitt 3rd M30, and Abbie Hall 3rd Lady, Rank Bib Name AG Time Chip Time 10 156 Neil Everett M30 0:39:26.6 0:39:22.8 18 478 David Turnbull M30 0:40:52.8 0:40:49.6 23 242 Toby … [Read more...]

‘Summer League 2018’ how to enter – entries now open..

York Knavesmire Harriers Running Club is affiliated to the York and District Road Race League. The York and District 10K Road Race League takes place each year during the months of May, June and July. Eight local running clubs compete in seven 10K Road Races at venues in and around York and district. Clubs take it in turn to organise an event in their area and accurate times and places are taken and published for each race. Approximately 200 runners take part in each race out of 400 … [Read more...]

Weekly Round Up – w.e 28th Jan – Northern XC Champs’, Ferriby & more..

---North of England Cross Country Championships - Harewood Park. Thankfully this year the Northern's did not require a long journey across the Pennines, just a quick jaunt to the lush parkland surrounding Harewood House. -Under 20 Junior Men. Ed Hooper was the first YKH runner to tackle the rolling parkland course, his race of 8km would follow the same course as the Ladies would later. Ed was 62nd in a time of 0:33:46. - Senior Women. … [Read more...]