York Brass Monkey 2018 – Results & Photos.

Brass Monkey 2018 - Results Huge congratulations to everyone who ran in this year's Brass Monkey Half Marathon. Our roving photographer, Ben McNeilage, was there on the day. His 3,400 photographs can be found here and are free to download. https://flic.kr/s/aHsmcrjqP9 … [Read more...]

YKH Weekly Round Up – Yorkshire XC Champs & more…

---Yorkshire Cross Country Championships. ( 06.01.2018) Another year another  nice trip to Lightwater Valley for the Yorkshire Championships. Running conditions were fantastic , no mud to speak of, light wind, no rain   and  the bountiful sun made it just warm enough. Knavesmire's  Men were 7th team in their '10km'  race , an improvement on  last year's  result ( 8th ).  The 'B' team were 18th, with there being 28 teams in total.  First six to count . The Senior Mens race consisted of a … [Read more...]

YKH Christmas & New Year Racing Round Up.

--- Antarctica and Magellan Straits Marathons. Dave Darton and Colin Lea  completed Magellan Straits marathon on 14th December and KGI classic Antarctica marathon on 16th December. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/antarcticamarathon ---Ward Green Six ( 24th Dec) 140th Vanessa Thompson    53:17 ---East Hull Harriers Boxing Day 10k. (26th Dec ) 6th Stephen Maddison 36:56 ( 1st m45) ---Guisborough Woods Fell Race ( 27th December ) Results Nik … [Read more...]

Weekly Round Up – W.e 3rd Dec –

---Cyprus Four Day Challenge. Stephen Jobson Just completed the 4day event in Cyprus.   Day 1 was a 6k time trial, day 2 an 11k hill race, day 3 a trail half marathon and day 4 the Paphos 10k. Finished 70th overall and 3rd M55. ---Percy Pud 10k The race is set in the picturesque Loxley Valley on the north west outskirts of Sheffield." "The route takes you alongside the Damflask Reservoir to The Plough at Low Bradford returning by the same route." "The course … [Read more...]