Pudsey – YVAA Vets GP Series – Race 1 – Report

Vet’s Grand Prix Series 2014  First challenge of the series was the old favorite at Pudsey. Normally held in mid June it is always one of our ‘dirtier runs’. Rescheduled to early February it surpassed all expectations! A slithering downhill start gave all the competitors a taste of things to come – two woodland laps through every variety of mud known to runners! At least halfway round there was the added bonus of a chance to wash off some of the mud when the route includes a paddle through … [Read more...]

Ferriby 10 Miles, 26 January 2014

By Stephen Robson When I entered this race at the end of last year I was expecting a chilly but enjoyable race to blow off those post Christmas cobwebs. How wrong I was! Neither chilly nor enjoyable were accurate for this year’s race as it seems that someone ordered near apocalyptic weather conditions for the day, and boy did we suffer. The one mile walk from the carpark to the start line was enough to nearly finish us off. Runners were huddled together in groups trying to stay warm as … [Read more...]

First Vet’s Grand Prix race – Sunday (2nd February) at Pudsey

The first Vet's Grand Prix race of the season is this Sunday (2nd February) at Pudsey, starting at 10.30am. Anyone requiring a lift can meet us at the back of the Race Course Grandstand at 8.45 am prompt. Details of venue are on the YVAA website. This is an off road race, mainly in woodland and likely to be muddy. Food in the pub afterwards and a chance to socialise with team mates and opposition to compare how muddy you got. You can register before hand on the YVAA website to save some … [Read more...]

Northern Cross Country Championships @ Knowsley Safari Park.

Mud, Mud , Glorius Mud. It was muddy,  we got dirty, it wasn't easy and that's how some of us  like it. The easy races are quickly forgotten , but the ones that challenge us  live on, strengthening our mind and body for future challenges. After the great turn out for the Yorkshires we were somewhat less well represented at the Northerns, however we still managed to field a Mens team  (the Senior Men of York's other 'Athletics' club were shying away again) , and have representation  in the … [Read more...]