Thursday social run – new location from 23 May!

From this Thursday, 23 May, the Thursday social runs will be meeting from a new location at the other end of Knavesmire Road from Hamilton Panthers. The new meeting point is at the junction of Knavesmire Road, Racecourse Road and Campleshon Road, where the gates lead down to the Knavesmire service track. There is better parking for bikes and cars in this area and it is generally less congested. For details and a map, see here: … [Read more...]

Monday social run – change of location

There is an open day on at the college on Monday 5 February, which will make access to difficult. The social run will therefore start from Hamilton Panthers instead, same as the Thursday social run. This applies for this week only, and we will be back to the normal location next week. … [Read more...]

Thursday social run – change of location

There is horse racing on Thursday 18 May, which will make access to Hamilton Panthers difficult. The social run will therefore start from York College instead, same as the Monday social run. This applies for this week only, and we will be back to the normal location next week, including the pub social! … [Read more...]


All Thursday training is cancelled due to the weather … [Read more...]