Pete’s Thursday training now at Knavesmire Road .

Coached Training Sessions Thursdays sessions - after a second 6 week block of hill reps at the University we are moving to Knavesmire Road on Thursday 15 February to do 6 weeks of road threshold loops. When the clocks go forward and the nights are lighter we will resume with 1 mile off road threshold loops at the Knavesmire. Meet at 6:30pm outside Hamilton Panthers clubhouse. Tuesday’s track sessions will continue as usual - any club members wishing to run a road training session from … [Read more...]

Pete’s Thursday Training Sessions now at Uni’ Underpass Hill

Endurance Squad. Thursdays sessions are now at York university Meet at the underpass on university road at 6:30pm for hill reps. These sessions are for ALL ABILITIES Peter Schofield Club coach. ( Thursday Group Runs remain as usual ) … [Read more...]

Thursday Training – Location Change

Thursday's session @ 6.30pm. XC training starting on the 8th September - meet at the bottom of the hill by the Marriott hotel. Those people still wanting to do threshold loops meet at the same place. Pete Schofield Club Coach … [Read more...]

Marathon Specific Training Sessions Available at the Track.

We currently have a number of runners being coached by Peter Schofield at the track to help  achieve their Marathon goals. Putting in the hard work this  week at the track were : London marathon. Alex Bedingham, David lease, Nicholas Tutill, Rob Ward, Jon Pinder, Manchester marathon. Nick Griffin. Boston Marathon. Sarah Attwood. Ultras. Kirsty Harvey Graeme Harvey    Ultra Asia - Vietnam -100 miles in four days. Graeme is also doing - Al Andalus Ultimate Trail - 5 day 230 … [Read more...]