Tuesday Training – Change of location

Tuesday training is changing from Tuesday 9th September to Cross Country hill reps ready for this autumn's races. Same time of 6:30pm but we will be meeting at the bottom of the hill next to the Marriot at the other end of the wooded Knavesmire area. More info on the session here … [Read more...]

Adios Uni Running Track.

Adios Uni Running Track. Tonight (Thursday 22.May - 7pm) could well be our last training session on the Running Track at the University, as it will imminently be dug up and replaced with a new track. So get your self down for nostalgia's sake and one last hurrah, or use this final opportunity to see what you have been missing. Once the track has been replaced and renovated it will become the home of our rivals City of York AC, and even though we are the club that has been using it for the … [Read more...]

Tuesday Training

The Tuesday Endurance Session is moving from Tuesday 1st April to the wooded area on the Knavesmire opposite Hamilton Panthers. Please see the Tuesday Training page for more details. Training Details. … [Read more...]

Headtorch Option Adding Interest to Training

Headtorches  Adding Interest to Training   In order to add variety to the routes for the Monday/Thursday Social Runs we have introduced some routes along unlit paths which require the use of headtorches. Last Monday (27 Jan) there were about 30 members out, in two groups, who enjoyed looking at Orion whilst running down the cycle track to Bishopthorpe as part of the 6 mile circuit. Certainly the reflective aspects of kit become most apparent! Following encouraging feedback further … [Read more...]