Racing Round Up w.e 11th Feb – Windy Hill / Hardmoors Marathon & more…

—Windy Hill Fell Race.

A tough 9 mile Fell Race from Littleborough near Rochdale taking in a Roman Road , Blackstone Edge ,the Pennine Way and  four crossings of the M62 (under/over/over/under).
The weather was not particularly pleasant , at the race’s highest points  runners were assaulted with ferocious blasts of icy rain  .

Barry Atkinson 57th and 1st M55 1:21:24

203 participants.

—Hardmoors Saltburn Marathon.

James Ollerenshaw slogged  around into 52nd position (out of 130) in the Hardmoors Saltburn marathon (29.2 miles!) on Sunday in 06:33:20. Lots of muddy fun, and a good tester before he  takes on the HM55 next month!

—Bloodaxe Challenge.

A few members did this 2 hour, chip timed event where you can do as many or as few 1km laps as you wish within the 2 hour limit!


—York Parkrun.

503 participants , 43 from YKH (  8.5 % ).

York  Parkrun PB’s for :

Laurence Griffin 16:46
Bryony Parkinson 23:02
Ken Tinker 28:09

—Heslington Parkrun.

304 participants , 26 from YKH ( 8.5% )

Heslington Parkrun PB’s for :

Don Formhals 21:44
Tim Cowham 20:35
Pat Boden 25;33
Laura Schofield 20:01
Stephen Clarke 19:55