Racing round Up – w.e 17th July – Wolds Half Marathon, Golden Acre Relay, Viking Chase & more…

Please send race reports,  photos & results to :

—Golden Acre Relay.

7th York Knavesmire Harriers

Laurence Griffin ran the fastest leg on the evening.

Leg 1 16:47 Adrian Stipetic
Leg 2 16:37 Rob Ward
Leg 3 14:17 Laurence Griffin

There are some more relays coming up, which it would be great to have the club field some teams at, please speak or message Team Manager Rob Ward if potentially interested in running.

Sunday September 25th – North of England Autumn Road Relay Championships, Sportcity Manchester
Saturday October 8th – National Autumn Road Relay Championships, Sutton Park Birmingham
Saturday November 5th – English Cross Country Relays, Mansfield

—Evensplits York 5k Series – Race#6.

Pos Name Age Grade Cat Cat Pos Net Time Gun Time
15 890 Toby Hone 73.8 % MSEN 6/11 0:17:41 0:17:44
27 875 Richard Walker 81.0 % MV55 1/1 0:18:56 0:18:59

—Wolds Half Marathon. ( YKH Club Championship Run )

Knavesmire Ladies won the female team prize and Becky Penty continued her winning streak being first Lady.

9th Becky Penty  87.52 1St F
24th Tim Franklin 103.23 2nd M60
27th Bethany Benger 105.46  3rd F50
30th Jonathon O’neill 108.26
34th Francesca Sawer 110.30
36th Clare Rowntree 111.17
42nd David Darton 114.33
45th Qin Zhou 115.12
51st Vicky Poyner 117.41
69th Anna Marshall 127.26
79th Richard Terran 133.04
80th Jane Morby 133.16   2nd F60
86th Clare Wake 134.58
114th Colin Lea 161.47
118th Liz Piper 167.17
122nd  Julie Rooks 180.38
123rd Edwina Wilcox 180.40
124th Susan Adams 181.59

—Ingleborough Mountain Race.

389th Barry Atkinson 1:07:05


Kathryn and David Dickinson ran in the “competitive Vets” 5k event – which was followed by an even more competitive Open 5k race! Both were well organised by Doncaster AC and comprised three laps around the town centre. We would recommend it to others looking for a pretty fast time. (As long as you pace yourself better than Kathryn who paid the price for the fast start!).

However, very sadly, this was actually the last running of the event after 24 years, apparently due to a big hike in marshalling/road closure charges levied by the local council. We were told that Askern District Running Club have also experienced similar pressure with their 10k event and possibly the Askern 10 mile as well. This is not good.

Anyway, for the record, David got round in 22:45 and Kathryn in 23:06. (3rd female O60 – the first female O60 ran 19:51!). The first male in the Open race ran 14:48 and the first female finished in 16:17.

Final point: why are female Vets still classed as O35 when male Vets are O40? Surely by now it should be O40 for all?

—Viking Chase Fell Race – Lets Run North Yorkshire  Moors Summer Series.

A fresh breeze and some cloud cover kept the incoming heatwave at bay.  Allowing for a very enjoyable 8 mile fell racing blast, from Lordstones Cafe up to the old Glider Club then along the Cleveland Way, taking in three more good hills towards Clay Bank, before a more gentle charge back along the lower forest path.

10th Tom Ratcliffe  71.50
23rd Giles Hawking 76.50
24th Simon Collins 77.21 3rd M40
31st Barry Atkinson 79.06 2nd M60

The next race in the series is Cock Howe and Beyond Wednesday 20th July 7:15pm, organised and marshalled by our good selves.
It’s at Chop Gate which is quite easy to get to , is 6 miles and not too tricky featuring one big initial climb, a bit of a rumble in the heather and bracken  ( you will struggle to see your feet at times ! ), grouse moor tracks and a rollicking return back down the first hill. Getting lost should be quite an achievement. 
If you fancy giving it a go you need to carry a waterproof jacket, hat gloves, whistle and compass and copy of the map. Trail shoes advisable.
A bargain at £7.

The furthest reaches of the Cock Howe Race route, could be YOU this Wednesday ( 20th July)

Marshalls are from YKH and the tail runners are Petra Chapman Gibbs and Lou Springer from YKH, they will shoo you along and see you to the finish

—Sir Titus Trot Summer 2022 – 10 miles.

20th Paul Adams 03:38:27

—parkrun PB’s.

-York parkrun.

Davide Di Maio 20:46

-Heslington parkrun.

Alex Wheeler 20:25

-New Earswick parkrun.

David Smithers 18:22