Racing Round Up – w.e 29th Oct’ – Wakefield XC, Lockton Limping, Snowdonia Marathon

Please send race reports,  photos & results to :

—West Yorkshire Cross Country League Race #2 – Thornes Park, Wakefield.
YKH Club Run Championship Counter

-Senior Ladies.
5.75km ( 1x small & 2 big laps )

Knavesmire Ladies ( 1st 4 to count ) were 1st placed team.

3rd Emily Baines 21:12
6th Helen Cross 21:16
7th Victoria Sewell 21:21
10th Claire Jones 21:51

49th Hannah Strange 26:56
50th Amber Reed 26:58
54th Melanie Ellwood 27:16
55th Kathryn Dickinson 27:18
60th Claire Wake 30:32
64th Jane Morby 31:48

-Senior Men.
9.75km ( 1x small & 4 big laps )

Knavesmire Men ( 1st 6 to count ) were third placed team.

Ed’s musings on the race:

It might look like grass but it’s probably green mud.

Five and half laps totalled 5.6 miles of mud and slop. It truly covered a wide range of mud.

Mass start of all the men set us on some firm mud. I dare say flat for 300 metres, then we get to the first hill which is still alright for now but it looks muddy. A real pretty tree line that is changing to the Autumn colours which I love.

A wee climb where Ben, Neil, Fiona and Emily are standing and cheering, often with threats of water pistols. It flattens out and into the trees for a tight turn on some mud, another shorter stretch with sand bunker features made up of mud. Then another short climb to the top, I like this bit as it was firmish mud throughout.

Into the trees with some bricks in the ground, what are running on? This isn’t mud.

Down hill which is very quick, lots of slippery mud here. Fair bit of skidding and sliding here. Into the trees again and opens up into a large grassy area (don’t be fooled, this is mud) with some large stone steps, it feels like a Roman amphitheatre. Are we the beasts or gladiators being cheered? No one seemed to know when I asked on the 4th lap.

We loop round through the same tree line as before and we discover a new type of mud. Its watery sloppy mud, stuff that flings everywhere. Still don’t know what line you should take on this. Swing to the left and that’s a lap done.

Couple of memorable moments during this race that made it for me. Will being a silly billy and stopping about 20 metres before the finish line and needed (well he got it anyway) a strong pat on the back and shouting at to get moving. Quite rightly, Will got a fair bit of stick for this.

Nearly tripping over the race leader so I could high five the little lad Reiley. Not too concerned as it was soft mud at that stage and he shouldn’t be running so fast.

Young Reiley being an absolutely top lad and for the encouragement throughout.

My favourite XC course so far.

12th Ian Ellwood 34:18
14th Tom Pavis 34:39
17th David Morrision 35:18
22nd Ewan Sewell 36:02
24th Dan Dunnington 36:18
47th Russell Bowry 39:12

50th Glynn Ellwood 39:22
51st Oliver Noble 39:26
53rd Giles Hawking 39:46
61st Kieron Niven 40:22
74th Matt Freeman 41:28
76th Edmund Roberts 41:38
77th Will Pritchard 41:39
86th Rory Henderson 42:24
97th Phillip Richardson 44:04
105th Pete Downes 45:49
107th Dan Jones 45:55
110th Andrew Barker 46:43
117th Jeremy Benson 47:37

—Lockton Limping Fell Race – North York’s Moors Winter Series Race #2.

Bryan Drew’s report on the race as a fell running beginner:

Lockton Limping {11.2k & 330m}

As a relative newcomer to the wonderful world that is fell running, a brief note about the race.
After an efficient registration process in Lockton village hall, the 172 runners made their way to the start: a kilometre or so away on a hillside overlooking the valley. Go! And off we went, running, sliding and mostly descending into the valley before it levelled off.
The course races through stunning scenery then up on to the moor; the higher it gets the less mud. Glorious sections on the tops and some fast descents let you master the art of running downhill (arms flailing and, as one seasoned fell runner explained: it’s best not to overthink it).
Twists and turns through the woods on the valley side and one last ascent to the finish to be greeted by a congregation of muddy runners as you cross the line. Amusing post run stories and a quick wash in the local flood water to remove excess mud before returning to the village hall. There, the good folk of Lockton, provided tea, coffee and all the cake you could possibly want whilst awards were dispensed amidst jubilant cheer.
The fell running crowd are special: very welcoming; very funny and, well, frankly, bonkers. But in a great way.
I’m hooked.
If there is anyone out there who is wondering what would happen if, like Mr Benn, you were to pay a visit to see the moustachioed, fez-wearing shopkeeper in the fancy-dress costume shop and emerged in fell running kit, then wonder no more but speak to one of us and come and join in. It might be possible to have more fun somewhere, but I couldn’t say so with any degree of certainty.

7th David Morrison 54:14

35th Oli Reed 62:41

47th Richard Purser 65:16

48th Barry Atkinson 65:23  (1st M60)

59th Graham Gill 67:18

88th Bryan Drew 74:29

994th Ste Robson 76:51

100th Andrew Johnson 78:20

147th Paul Hodgin 90:36

148th Mandy Clarke 90:56

—Marathon Eyri – Snowdonia Marathon Eyri.

1252nd Thandiwe Revill 4:52:43

2193rd Susan Adams 7:00:42

Su’s 11th Snowdonia Marathon and 233 completed now in total.


—Wistow 10k.

20th Richard Walker 38:38
237th Pam Anderson 1:06:05
285th Richard Anderson 1:15:27

—Leeds 5k Series.

13th Rob Whitaker 17:56

—York Area Parkrun PB’s.

-Heslington parkrun.

Emma Brookshaw  20:16