Weekly Racing Round Up – w.e 16th December – Stoop

---Stoop Fell Race. Santa hats are mandatory at this almost 5 mile fell race on the moors near Haworth.2nd Lady ( 26th ) Nik Tarrega 59th Richard Tarrega 106th Cassie Read 125th Andy Chapman Gibbs 179th Petra Chapman Gibbs ---York parkrun. 331 participants, 38 from YKH ( 11.5 % ). York parkrun PB for : Chris Harrison 26:43 ---Heslington parkrun. 209 participants , 16 from YKH ( 7.7 % ). Heslington parkrun PB for : Clare Rowntree … [Read more...]

Weekly Racing Round – w.e 21st Oct – Spenborough XC , Fell Relays…

---Spenborough Cross Country - West Yorkshire Cross Country League Race #1 ( Club Run). Before we even get onto the results it was great to see such great team camaraderie, spirit and mutual support.  With 21 ladies running, 21 men running  , Peter Schofield, Brian Hughes, Neil Strange and Richard Gott giving great support and many of our runners resplendent in their Union Jack shorts .A nice tribute to the man who helped nurture our many successes, especially in cross country , Andy … [Read more...]

YKH Weekly Racing Round Up – w.e 7th October – Bridlington Half / Chicago & more..

---Bridlington Half Marathon. Well done 1st V40 Vicky Green, and Chris Harrison who got a PB. POS BIB GENDER NAME CAT CAT POS CHIP TIME FINISH TIME 54th 385 Male Richard Walker V50 8/40 01:33:35 01:33:37 79th 510 Male Stefan Durkin V45 13/40 01:39:02 01:39:08 133rd 92 Female Vicky Green V40 1/29 01:46:17 01:46:29 220th 505 Male Peter … [Read more...]

YKH Racing Round Up w.e 15th July – Relays, 10k’s , Fell Runs, Parkruns and more…

---Washburn Relays. Richard Purser , Gareth Green and Stuart Grange running as 'The Fast Lads' were  2nd  overall. Victoria and Ewan Sewell and Phil Graves  as ' Family Affair ' won the mixed team prize and were 7th overall , 28th overall were 'The Likely Lads' -  Nick Zizzler, Laurence Griffin and 'Jonathon Pinder'. 32nd overall were 'The Monkees' - Mandy Clarke, Mark Dye and Louise Venables 67 teams took part. ---Golden Acre Park Relay. On Facebook Emily … [Read more...]