YKH Weekly Round Up – w.e 12.03.17 Spen/Dentdale/Retford/Bl’k Combe & more..

---Spen 20. Results 2:10:04   11th (1st M40) Stephen Maddison 2:24:56  42nd Ewan Kirk 2:37:01   73rd Laura Schofield 2:50:19   108th Marc Thomas 2:52:55   116th Alistair McAndrew 2:59:06  136th Qin Zhou 3:02:01   154th David Hutchinson 3:03:45   159th David Darton 3:09:52   169th Neville Callow 3:15:38    184th Dave Bygrave 3:57:17    219th Colin Lea   ---Dentdale. Two members of YKH  battled the hills of Dentdale on Sunday for the  14.2 mile road race 'the … [Read more...]

YKH Round Up w.e 5th March – Medals won @ Yorkshire Vet’s XC Champs & more..

---Yorkshire Vets Cross Country Championships. Loads of medals won at the YVAA XC at Doncaster on Saturday. 18 Harriers pitted themselves against a great, fast cross-country course at the Northern Racing College in Rossington. It was an interesting course with a variety of terrain - fast, flat downhill, twisting woodland paths, a short, grassy climb and a stream crossing. It wouldn't be cross-country without some mud, but this was largely limited to the start/finish straight and the going was … [Read more...]

YKH Weekly Round Up – Muddy Boots & more …..

---Muddy Boots 10k - Club Championship Run #2. Thirty two  YKH runners  in  this muddy Ripon trail race. Well done to Knavesmire Ladies, especially -  1st Lady Nik Tarrega and  2nd Lady Sarah Atwood, with Laura Schofield and Amanda Clarke also in the top ten females. Many photos from the Muddy Boots of YKH runners by Dan Chan on the YKH Facebook group page  ---Hardmoors Half Marathon - Saltburn. Mark Harney was  pleased to have been 1st MV50 at a brutal Hardmoors Half … [Read more...]

Weekly Round Up – Week Ending 5th Feb, Dewsbury 10k & more…

Before the Round up , some  eagerly anticipated dates for your racing diary: Summer League dates: 25th April Pocklington 7pm 9th May Tadcaster 7.30pm 23rd May Easingwold 7.30pm 6th June Knaversmire 7.30pm 20th June Bishop Wilton 7.30pm 4th July Wistow 7.30pm 18th July Bishopthorpe 7pm                           Details on how to enter available at a later date. ---Dewsbury 10k Or 10.2km as a bit of an error setting out the course made it a bit longer than normal !. A … [Read more...]