Weekend Round up 12-13 March – Black Combe, Retford Half & more…….

-Black Combe Fell Race. - Report by Tom Ratcliffe. Black combe - The words don’t inspire too many positive connotations. It makes you think of murky British weather, rain, drizzle, fog (clag), disorientation, big hills, tough fell running. I pondered this definition in Giles’ car as we left the gorgeous sunshine which the rest of the UK was bathing in and arrived in the far South Western area of the Lake District to drizzle and thick fog. Black combe fell lies in an area of the UK, just … [Read more...]

Weekend Round Up 27-28 Feb , National Cross Country Championships & more…

  English National Cross Country Championships - Donington Park.     report by Giles Hawking. The biggest event of the weekend for club athletes was the Cross Country National Championships. For most seasoned amateur athletes this race sits  at the pinnacle of the races available to them. This is the the race where you get to compete with the best of the best from across England , to find out  where you and YOUR club truly rank in the country . It occurs only once a year , there … [Read more...]

9-10th Jan: Weekend Round up – Yorkshire XC Champ’s & more…..

---Yorkshire Cross Country Championships , Lightwater Valley, Ripon. With Christmas  out of the way it is now the season of Cross Country Championships , beginning with the Yorkshire's and soon to be followed by the Northern's and culminating in the Nationals. For the third year in a row the local Yorkshire Championships have been located at Lightwater Valley, and it makes a fine venue. Thanks to the plentiful rainfall we have had lately a good deal of the course was very muddy or … [Read more...]

Weekend Round up 6-7th December. Great Medal Haul at WYXC league & more.

--West Yorkshire Cross Country League - Race 4, Nunroyd Park & Final League Standings. Great result for York Knavesmire Harriers Ladies Team, after the final race at Nunroyd Park on Sunday afternoon they have claimed third place overall in the highly competitive West Yorkshire Cross Country league. At Saturday's race we were without our speediest lady Scout, but the remaining Ladies were determined to put in a good final performance. Nik Vogan (11th), Cassie Holmes (19th),  Andrea … [Read more...]