Weekend Round-up 28-29 November – Blowing Hot and Cold

A busy and diverse weekend of running for club members, proving the cold, damp and dark of the English Winter are no impediment to getting out there and giving it a go. Especially if you escape to somewhere far warmer ! Benidorm Half Marathon. A group of club members had a great weekend away in the Spanish sunshine, even taking in the Newcastle Parkrun on their way. It was someomes Stag do I believe ? , and they even managed to drag along a member of York Acorn ( how do they always … [Read more...]

Weekend Round-up 14-15th November, more XC & Fell race Success, Abbey Dash, Parkrun & more…

Another busy weekend for the hardy runners of York Knavesmire Harriers. -Saturday morning saw the Parkrunners get us underway, YKH numbers were down slightly with 23 club members taking part. Parkrun PB's were attained by Qin Zhou and James Ollerenshaw. -On Saturday afternoon   our Cross Country runners  were  in action taking to the muddy fields of Keighley for the third race of the  West Yorkshire Cross Country League. https://youtu.be/fqW85TgjRho Knavesmire's Ladies once again … [Read more...]

Weekend Round-up 17-18 October. – Fell Relays Cross Country and more…

Another busy weekend for Knavesmire's runners, with the club entering teams in the British Fell Relay Championships and the first race of the West Yorkshire Cross Country League. -The British Fell Relay Championships took place on Saturday in Lancashire around and on Pendle Hill. The Relays are a major event in the Fell running calendar and are hotly contested.  192 teams applied for places in the race which has a limit of 150. The race consists of four legs ,  Leg 1 is a a solo leg of … [Read more...]

Borrowdale Fell Race

Report by Giles Hawking The Borrowdale  Race is one of the 'Classic' English Fell races, a 17 mile beast that  climbs  Englands highest mountain Scafell Pike 977m  , followed by Great Gable 899m and Dalehead 753m. The ground under your feet varies from knee/waist deep bogs, hard to navigate barren fell tops, mountain tops covered in broken slabs of rock which you hopefully leap from one to another, and perilous descents of loose scree or tussocky grass and protuding rock. All of which vie for … [Read more...]