Racing Round Up – w.e 22nd Oct’ -Leeds Abbey Dash, Fell Relay Champ’s & Langdale Half.

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---British Fell Relay Championships.   Knavesmire took three teams to Braithwaite near Keswick for this amazing event, the highlight of the fell running year. There were 243 complete teams of 6 competing in the Championships, most from areas of the British Isles far more mountainous than York. Four legs would have to be completed on the beautiful fells of the Coledale valley. Leg 1 is a … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – Cross Keys Relay, PB in Belfast, Frazzler, Malton, Wetherby …

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Belfast Half Marathon. 120th Glynn Ellwood 1:21:40 739th Mel Ellwood 1:38:56  ( PB ) ---Cross Keys Fell Relay (Saddleworth). The event was originally a relay of two road and two off-road fell legs.  However at very short notice it became all fell , so those with no fell experience who signed up to do the road legs got an unexpected introduction to the joys of fell racing. We fielded two teams, one … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – w.e 13th August -Berlin Wall Race, Ravenscar, York’s Vet’s, Preston 10….

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---West Yorkshire Vets Grand Prix series. Report thanks to Kathryn. Three harriers competed in the 5th race of this series on Tuesday 8th August. 5.5 miles (approx) on a hilly trail route around Post Hill in Pudsey. Friendly as ever and highly recommended. Dave Smithers was 2nd M50 (4th overall) in 31.46, once again being upstaged by the super fell runner Gavin Mulholland who was 1st M50 and second overall … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – w.e 6th August – York 10k, Osmotherly, Windmill, Borrowdale…

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Osmotherley Show Fell Race.  (YKH Club Champ's Race) Course Report and Notes by Ed Roberts After several days of rain, the single track lane leading to the Osmotherly Show was marked with many muddy puddles, very suitable for James’ sparkly white Skoda. MIle 1 We all gathered on a lovely muddy field and someone must've whispered “Go” as we started moving. Down the puddle strewn lane we are running … [Read more...]