Racing Round Up w.e 24th July – Cock Howe, Castle Howard Sprint Tri, Northumberland Coastal Run & more…

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Cock Howe & Beyond Fell Race. This 6 mile North Yorkshire Moors Fell Race was organised by YKH , a chance for the club's fell runners to give a little something back to the hill running community. The  race was organised by club chairman Andy Chapman-Gibbs, on  registration were Jessica & Tom, parking Giles & Becky, Timing Clive, Ben and Richard, Taping/ Tail Running Petra & Lou, Checkpoint … [Read more...]

Racing round Up – w.e 17th July – Wolds Half Marathon, Golden Acre Relay, Viking Chase & more…

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Golden Acre Relay. 7th York Knavesmire Harriers Laurence Griffin ran the fastest leg on the evening. Leg 1 16:47 Adrian Stipetic Leg 2 16:37 Rob Ward Leg 3 14:17 Laurence Griffin There are some more relays coming up, which it would be great to have the club field some teams at, please speak or message Team Manager Rob Ward if potentially interested in running. Sunday September 25th - North … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up -w.e 15th May – Tad’10k, Fountains 10k, Ravenscar, Fox’n’Hounds & more..

Please send race reports,  photos & results to : ---Fountains 10k. Excellent performances from YKH’s runners  at Fountains 10k. Qin Zhou and Vicky Poyner both going sub 50 mins on this tough multi terrain course. Anna Marshall and Claire Wake 52 mins. Jane Morby ran 54 mins and won 1st F60. And biggest cheer of the day went to Teddy Constance Wilcox as she finished with the biggest smile on her face. Darren Hendley was 43rd and James McDonald … [Read more...]

Racing Round Up – w.e 8th May –

Please send race reports, photos & results to : ---Inter - Counties Fell Championships. Becky Penty represented Yorkshire at the Inter County Fell Championships held at Llanberis. Finishing a fabulous 7th and helping the team to 2nd place behind Cumbria, who were lead home by an ex Knavesmire  Harrier Scout Adkin. ---Active Sunderland Half Marathon. 29th Josie Rawes  1:23:16   2nd Female ---Beverley 10k. 33rd Helen Cross 36:20 ( … [Read more...]