YKH Weekly Round Up, w.e 4th June – Vets, Wolds, Wharfedale & Pen y Ghent

—Vets Kirkstall.

On a lovely summers evening 4 YKH made the trip to Kirstall to run the 2nd vets race of the season, even though we were only 4 strong there was some great results.

David Smithers was 4th home overall and came 2nd in his age category, Sarah Attwood was 5th overall lady and 3rd in age category great to see a new face in Louise Venables giving the vets a go , Louise had a great run finishing 19th overall lady and 9th in age group.

Pete Downes came in 50th overall male and 6th in age group, after 2 races Sarah Attwood is leading her age category, next vets race is this sunday at mulgrave castle near whitby ,hope a few of you can get across there its a lovely venue.

—Top of the Wolds 10k Challenge

Report by Liz Matthews


There was a good turnout of Harriers at the inaugural Top of the Wolds Challenge today. The first 2 miles of the course was described as ‘undulating’, which warmed us up nicely for the long, hard ascent of Nunburnholme Hill. Well-placed signs stating ‘This would be so much easier in a car…’  and ‘It’s only a hill, get over it’ made us chuckle and took away some of the pain! The views at the top, for those who could look up to admire them, were fantastic. A lovely, off road, downhill stretch through the woods gave welcome shade and allowed everyone to recharge the batteries before the inevitable uphill back to Warter. 

Finishers were rewarded with a decent medal, cup of tea and the most amazing tray bake. 

YKH took home a great haul of medals – Gareth Green was first overall, Sarah Atwood was second lady. There were age group prizes for Stephen Maddison and Pete Downes, with Jane Nodder, Maureen Medlar and Liz Matthews taking 1,2,3 in F55. 

This was a well organised race, with friendly marshals and a great atmosphere, especially the town crier at the start! Well worth putting it in your diary for next year. 

—Wharfedale Trail  Half Marathon.

Andy Smith suffered round the Wharfedale trail half marathon on Saturday. Around 1800ft of ascent from Grassington and over the dales. 2:14:15 in 207th place.

—Pen-y-ghent Fell Race.

35th  1:01:46 Tom Ratcliffe

—Yorkshire Veterans Grand prix race at Mulgrave Castle, Lythe , Whitby.

Janet Cordingley took the 2nd ladies over 55 prize. Neil Strange was the first Harrier to finish. Louise Venables and Duncan Chambers also ran.


—Yomp Mountain Challenge.Andrew Pattinson was racing at the Yomp Mountain Challenge on Sunday (4th June), starting in Kirkby Stephen. The Full Yomp is 23 miles and 4000ft of ascent over mixed fell terrain, the majority being open fell ground.

Good friendly event with shorter options at 11.5miles and 6.5miles, open to walkers and runners. All routes roughly flagged and well marshalled. Would recommend to anyone interested in trying a different race format in a different area. Would have been much harder following rain as the ground was soft and boggy despite the recent dry weather.


—York Parkrun.

659 participants, 38 from YKH.

Fastest Runner Stuart Grange YKH 16:20

Parkrun PB’s for :

No one !